Optimization of Performance Evaluation Strategies in One of the Government Organizations
(Application of Operational Research in the Evaluation of Strategic Options)
Instructor of Mathematics, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Department of Mathematics, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Rohollah Hosseini
Assistant Prof. of Industrial Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Saba Goodarzi
BSc. of Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Operations Research has a common area with management, engineering and economics. One of the applications Operations Research in organizations is the strategic management field that can be used to optimize organizational strategies. Strategies performance evaluation are methodology for effective implementation of constructive planning to acknowledge the performance of a non-probationary career employee. The purpose of this study is to find out the optimal strategy for evaluating the performance of Kowsar Hospital. Type of research method is applied and from the perspective of data collection, it is descriptive-analytic. The statistical population consisted of all employees of Kosar Hospital, Ten experts were selected as the sample. The methods of data collection are library and field, and the tool used in this research is a questionnaire. The TOPSIS method is the main method of data analysis in this research. At first, the weight of the indexes upgraded by the experts was recorded in Excel and the final weight of the indexes was extracted. Then these weights were used by TOPSIS method to rank the performance evaluation strategies of employees of Boroujerd Kosar Hospital. The Results showed that criteria for fitting to working conditions, rationality and job satisfaction were respectively had the highest weight and importance. Also the evaluation of graphical comparison performance and the performance evaluation checklist were ranked first and second respectively, and are introduced as the best strategy in the field of performance evaluation.
Keywords: Operational Research, Strategic Decision Making, TOPSISation Method, Performance Evaluation Strategies.
Corresponding Author: Rohollah Hosseini
E-mail: r.hosseini59@gmail.com